Website Contact Information:
- Our hours for web related sales / product inquiries, status of existing orders and refund requests are Monday-Friday 8:30a.m - 5:00p.m PST.
- If you are interested in picking up your order please make arrangements with a customer service representative by calling (310) 603-0888.
- Please email us at for any web related inquiries or orders.
Messages: In the event that our staff is busy and unable to take your call, please call us again or send us an email. We will make every effort to respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.
We Accept All Major US Credit Cards : Credit card orders are usually processed on the same day. In some cases, processing may be delayed until product availability is confirmed.
Checks: Please make checks payable to "PTM, Inc.". Mailing address for all check payments can be obtained by emailing us a request directly at
Wires: We accept US and foreign wires. Please contact us for wiring instructions. U.S. wires usually clear within 24 hours.
PTM Locations:
PTM Distribution Warehouse (Wholesale and Online Will-Call Only)Mon - Fri, 8:30am – 5:00pm PST1011 West Artesia Blvd. Compton CA 90220Phone: 310-603-0888 | Fax: 310-603-0779 PTM Retail Store (Open to Public, Walk-ins Only)Mon - Sat, 8:30am – 5:00pm PST7801 Somerset Blvd. Paramount CA 90723Phone: 562-408-1984 Please submit any questions or concerns in the form below: